Czech Republic Company Formation

Czech Republic Company Formation
  • European jurisdiction. Fast, secure, online Czech company formations.
  • Time of Czech Republic company formation takes approximately 2 weeks.
  • Personal presence is not required.
  • Popular company type:
    • Czech Limited Liability Company “Společnost s ručením omezeným”

Tax Rates in Czech Republic

Corporation Tax: 19%

Income Tax: 53.5% (15% income tax + 6.5% by employee + 25% by employer (2.3% healthcare + 21.5% social security + 1.2% state policy of employment) + 7% solidarity contribution (assuming income is above 1 277 328 CZK per year))

VAT Tax: 21% (reduced rates of 15% and 10%)

About Czech Republic

Overseas Territory: Czech Republic

Capital: Prague

Region: Central Europe

Language: Czech

Currency: Czech koruna

Time Zone: GMT+2

Dial Code: +420

Abbreviations: CZ

What we can do for your Company in Czech Republic

  • We do all paperwork on forming the company in Czech Republic
  • Formation is completely remote
  • Can act as Secretary or Treasury
  • Provide nominee Directors/Shareholders
  • Assist with opening a bank account
  • Registration for Taxes, VAT & EORI
  • Develop a website for your business
  • Create a logo of your brand
  • Provide with full company administration services
  • Arrange a mailing address for your business
  • Arrange a virtual office for your company
  • Telephone answering service
  • Book keeping, audit & reporting
  • Preparing and submitting VAT return
  • Dealing with local authority
  • Trademark registration

Czech Republic Company Formation. Czech Limited Liability Company “Společnost s ručením omezeným”

Main Characteristics and the basic rules of Company registration in Czech Republic

Do you have a plan to take your existing venture aboard but you are unsure about a viable country. You may opt for the Czech Republic for business extension needs. It is not only a popular destination for tourists but many business owners are eyeing this country to outsource or expand businesses.

If money is not a bar and you are willing to invest in developing a venture in the Czech Republic, you can gain in long run. The govt offers lucrative incentives and offers for foreign businesses that invest $ 10 million or more in the country. The incentives for a new plant or even a JV comprise of:

  • Corporate tax relief which can be up to 10 years
  • Job training grants
  • No customs duty on the imported equipments
  • Possibility of locations in customs-free zone

As a matter of fact, a number of US MNCs and brands have invested in the country. The list includes giants like Philip Morris, Procter & Gamble, Ford Motor Company, Coca-Cola, Motorola, Rockwell International, Gillette, and Citibank. Top countries that have invested in the Czech Republic include Netherlands and Germany. So, Czech Republic Company Formation may be prudent for you too.

If you invest for business expansion in this country, there are govt agencies to help you out. For example, entities like CzechInvest- a foreign investment agency run by the govt will assist you in setting up manufacturing operations. It does offer certain services like site selection assistance, business information free of cost. This should be a compelling reason for you to think of Czech Republic offshore Company Formation.

There are a few more reasons for you to expand business in the country, as it is. The Czech Republic gives you access to consumers in Central and Eastern Europe. Its location at the center of Europe is ideal for such needs. You will not have to worry about availability of skilled labor force as well. The country is politically stable and infrastructural setups are also strong.

There are numerous advantage of setting up business in the Czech Republic or expand an existing venture here. However, you will still do better by taking aid of an agency for handling legal norms and documentation. In this regard, you cannot go wrong by choosing the BRIS group. We will make your business expansion in Czech Republic smooth. To know more, give us a call today.

Czech Republic Company Formation Financial Advantages
Taxation: Yes 20% taxes
Double Taxation Treaty Access: Yes Treaty Access
Czech Republic Tax Information Exchange Agreements: Yes, Czech Republic signed Exchange Agreements
Account Filing Requirements: Yes accounting / reporting requirements
Annual Return Filing Requirements: Yes annual return/ reporting requirements
Audit Requirements: Yes audit required.
Czech Republic Company Formation Registration Requirements
Share Capital: CZK 1. Minimum paid up share capital: CZK 1
Classes of Share Available for Czech Republic company formation: Registered shares
Bearer Shares: Yes Allowed
Registered Office Required: Yes required and must be maintained in Czech Republic.
Shareholders: Minimum number is one
Directors: Can be any nationality and need not be resident in Czech Republic.Corporate directors allowed.
Your Company language: Czech
Name of your Company must be ended: “s.r.o.”
Documents required for Czech Republic company formation: A certified copy of your passport or ID and proof of your residential address dated less than 3 months.
Czech Republic Company Formation Restriction
For Czech Republic company formation you cannot use words in your company names without justification: “Bank”, “Trustee Company”, “Assurance”, “Building Society”, ”Trust Company”, “Royal” etc.
Restrictions on Trading: None
Not permitted without a licence: Fund management, insurance, Banking, reinsurance, assurance, trust management, collective investment schemes, trusteeship business provision.
Czech Republic Company Formation Confidentiality and Security
Publicly Accessible Records: Yes, accessible
Nominee Shareholders and Nominee Directors: Yes, Allowed
Disclosure of Beneficial Ownership to Authorities: No
Meetings of Directors and Shareholders to be held: Anywhere (Cyprus advised)
Stability: Assured confidentiality and outstanding reputation.
About Czech Republic Czech Republic Company Formation
Capital city: Prague
Region: In Central Europe.
Political System: A unitary parliamentary constitutional republic
Government: President is the head of state and the Prime Minister is the head of government.
Governing corporate legislation: Business Corporations Act
Type of Law: Civil
Currency: Czech koruna
Exchange Control: None
Language of Legislation and Corporate Documents: Czech
Time Zone: GMT+1

Czech Republic Investment Immigration

The Czech Republic launched a new investment visa in 2017.

  • The Investor has to create at least 20 full-time jobs (for EU-citizens);
  • The investment in the amount of at least CZK 75,000,000 (approximately EUR 2,850,000 or USD 3,250,000).

This publication is provided for information purposes only. This info should not be treated as a substitute for a tax or legal consultation or legislation. You should not act on the basis of the information contained in this publication without having obtained individual advice from the professional expert.

BRIS GROUP does not assume responsibility for any damage resulting from decisions made by the reader on the basis of this publication.

Our team of consultants are here to take you through the process.