RAK Offshore Company Formation

RAK Offshore Company Formation

The cost Of RAK Offshore Company Formation:

  • Ras Al Khimah Offshore BC
    Basic Package 2990 USD

RAK Offshore Company Formation

Emirates RAK offshore company formation – stable jurisdiction and strengthening reputation.

Popular companies types:

  1. International Company (IC) – RAK offshore company formation
  2. RAK free zone company – RAK FZE

Time of RAK company formation 1 DAY. Personal presence is not required.

Ras Al Khaimah is one of the most attractive offshore places in the UAE

RAK Company Formation. Offshore Company RAK Emirates

Main Characteristics and the basic rules of Company registration in RAK Emirates

RAK offshore Company Formation Financial Advantages
Taxation: No taxes
Double Taxation Treaty Access: Yes Treaty Access with many countries
Bahamas Tax Information Exchange Agreements Yes, Emirates signs Exchange Agreements with 3 countries (Agreements in Pending)
Account Filing Requirements: No accounting or reporting requirements
Annual Return Filing Requirements: No annual return/ reporting requirements
Audit Requirements: No audit required.
RAK Offshore Company Formation Registration Requirements
Share Capital: AED10,000 Minimum paid up share capital: AED10,000
Classes of Share Available for RAK Offshore company formation: Shares with or without voting rights, deferred shares, preference shares, ordinary shares
Minimum paid up share capital: No Requirements
Bearer Shares: Not Allowed
Registered Office Required: Yes, required and must be maintained in Ras Al Khimah Offshore
Registered agent: A RAK Offshore Company is required to have a registered office in the UAE.
Shareholders: Minimum number is one
Directors: Minimum number is one. There is no restriction on the nationality or residency of the directors of a RAK Offshore Company. Local directors is not required. Corporate directors are allowed
Your Company language: English
Name of your Company must be ended: Ltd, Limited
Documents required for RAK Offshore company formation: A certified copy of your passport or ID and proof of your residential address dated less than 3 months, Bank Reference letter.
RAK Offshore Company Formation Registration Restrictions
For RAK company formation you cannot use words in your company names without justification: “Bank”, “Trustee Company”, “Assurance”, “Building Society”, ”Trust Company”, “Royal” etc.
Restrictions on Trading: None
Not permitted without a licence: Fund management, insurance, Banking, reinsurance, assurance, trust management, collective investment schemes, trusteeship business provision.
RAK Offshore Company Formation Confidentiality and Security
Publicly Accessible Records: No public register of company officers (Directors, Shareholders, Secretary)
Nominee Shareholders and Nominee Directors: Yes, Allowed
Disclosure of Beneficial Ownership to Authorities: No
Meetings of Directors and Shareholders to be held: Anywhere
Stability: Extremely steady jurisdiction and highly regarded.

ccordion Content

  • Capital: Abu Dhabi
  • Political System: Democracy
  • Government: Monarchy
  • Governing corporate legislation: Offshore Regulations 2006
  • Type of Law: Civil
  • Currency: Dirham (AED)
  • Exchange Control: None
  • Language of Legislation and Corporate Documents: English/Arabic
  • Time zone: GMT+4

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