USA Company Formation

USA Company Formation
  • Stable jurisdiction and great reputation.
  • Time of USA company formation takes from 3 to 15 days and depends on jurisdictions.
  • Personal presence not required
  • There are many companies types:

    • Federal Corporation  (“S” “C”)
    • Limited Liability Company (LLC), LP, GP

Tax Rates in USA

Corporation Tax in USA: 21% due to the passage of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017

Income Tax in USA: The Federal income tax has 7 brackets: 10%, 15%, 25%, 28%, 33%, 35%, and 39.6%. The amount of tax you owe depends on your income level and filing status.

VAT Tax in USA: 5 states (Alaska, Delaware, Montana, New Hampshire and Oregon) do not levy a statewide sales tax, while California has the highest state sales tax with a base rate of 7.25%. (The territory of Puerto Rico has a higher 10.5%

About USA

Country: USA

Capital: Washington

Continent: North America

Language: English

Currency: United States Dollar

Time Zones: GMT -5 in Washington DC

Dial Code: +1

Abbreviations: US, USA

What we can do for your USA Company

  • We do all paperwork on forming the company in USA
  • Formation is completely remote
  • Can act as Secretary or Treasury
  • Provide nominee Directors/Shareholders
  • Assist with opening a bank account
  • Registration for Taxes, VAT & EORI
  • Develop a website for your business
  • Create a logo of your brand
  • Provide with full company administration services
  • Arrange a mailing address for your business
  • Arrange a virtual office for your company
  • Telephone answering service
  • Book keeping, audit & reporting
  • Preparing and submitting VAT return
  • Dealing with local authority
  • Trademark registration

USA Company Formation. USA Offshore & Onshore Company Registration

Main Characteristics and the basic rules of Company registration in USA.

Business expansion is something most entrepreneurs think of but they often falter over selecting the right offshore destination for expansion needs. There is no fixed rule regarding which country you should pick for venture expansion. Based on your future plans, target customers and monetary limit, you should pick the country. However, if capturing a huge market is on agenda, taking the business to the US shores is ideal. The political and economic powerhouse that the USA is, you will not have to face many hiccups. However, you should still check out our USA Company Formation service.

Regarded as the top economy in the world, the USA has excellent opportunities for nearly all types of entrepreneurs. The legal norms and business setup procedures vary from one state to another to an extent but you will not have to face many hurdles. In fact, you will have to wait for a long time to get documentation done. However, the nuances of federal and state laws can seem vast and a tad baffling to you at the beginning. To get clear understanding of these and their implications for businesses, you can check our USA Company Formation service.

The best thing about expanding business activities in the USA is you will not have to face hardships in hiring efficient and skilled employees. A majority of US residents are English speaking and the multicultural population ensures you can hire apt type of employees quickly.

The transport system and telecommunication infrastructure in the USA are excellent- to say the least. A number of international airports are located in various parts of the USA. Rail and road transport means are also very good for executing business operations. Same can be said about the logistic facilities.

You can start different types of companies in the US states and territories. For example, you can start a limited liability company, corporation or partnership type venture. You may also open branch office of your company in the USA. The legal nuances and taxation requires of each can vary. BRIS group offers comprehensive consultancy and USA Company Formation service.

The latest govt measures have made expanding business operation in the USA quite simplified. Still, you will benefit by obtaining expert consultancy on the same. We offer extensive consultancy for the companies planning to start operations in the USA. Call BRIS group now to know the details about the USA Company Formation service.

For USA company registration you will need to provide:


 Proposed company name

 The registered office details (if you have your own)

 The principal business activities

Director and secretary details

Share structure details

Members’ share details for partnership.

USA Company Formation. 50 States for Corporation Company Registration

  Alabama Company Formation  Missouri Company Formation
Alaska Company Formation Montana Company Formation
Arizona Company Formation Nebraska Company Formation
Arkansas Company Formation Nevada Company Formation
California Company Formation New Hampshire Company Formation
Colorado Company Formation New Jersey Company Formation
  Connecticut Company Formation New Mexico Company Formation
Delaware Company Formation New York Corporation Company Formation
District of Columbia Company Formation North Carolina Corporation
Florida Company Formation • North Dakota Company Formation
Georgia Company Formation Ohio Company Formation
Hawaii Company Formation Oklahoma Company Formation
  Idaho Company Formation Oregon Company Formation
Illinois Company Formation Pennsylvania Company Formation
Indiana Company Formation Rhode Island Company Formation
Iowa Company Formation • South Carolina Company Formation
Kansas Company Formation South Dakota Company Formation
Kentucky Company Formation Tennessee Company Formation
  Louisiana Company Formation Texas Company Formation
Maine Company Formation Utah Company Formation
Maryland Company Formation Vermont Company Formation
Massachusetts Company Formation • Virginia Company Formation
Michigan Company Formation Washington Company Formation
Minnesota Company Formation West Virginia Company Formation
Mississippi Company Formation Wisconsin Company Formation

USA Company Formation. 50 States to register a LLC in USA

  Alabama LLC Formation Missouri LLC Formation
Alaska LLC Formation Montana LLC Formation
Arizona LLC Formation Nebraska LLC Formation
Arkansas LLC Formation Nevada LLC Formation
California LLC Formation New Hampshire LLC Formation
Colorado LLC Formation New Jersey LLC Formation
  Connecticut LLC Formation New Mexico LLC Formation
Delaware LLC Formation New York Corporation LLC Formation
District of Columbia LLC Formation North Carolina LLC
Florida LLC Formation • North Dakota LLC Formation
Georgia LLC Formation Ohio LLC Formation
Hawaii LLC Formation Oklahoma LLC Formation
  Idaho LLC Formation Oregon LLC Formation
Illinois LLC Formation Pennsylvania LLC Formation
Indiana LLC Formation Rhode Island LLC Formation
Iowa LLC Formation • South Carolina LLC Formation
Kansas LLC Formation South Dakota LLC Formation
Kentucky LLC Formation Tennessee LLC Formation
  Louisiana LLC Formation Texas LLC Formation
Maine LLC Formation Utah LLC Formation
Maryland LLC Formation Vermont LLC Formation
Massachusetts LLC Formation • Virginia LLC Formation
Michigan LLC Formation Washington LLC Formation
Minnesota LLC Formation West Virginia LLC Formation
Mississippi LLC Formation Wisconsin LLC Formation

Documents will be included in the Company Incorporation Set

As soon as company is registered you will receive:

  • Certificate of Incorporation
  • Memorandum of Association
  • Articles of Association
  • Resolution appointing first director(s)
  • Resolution of issuing Share Certificate/s
  • Share Certificate/s.
  • Company’s seal

If you are ordering nominee services (nominee director, nominee shareholder) we will provide you:

  • Resolution of director of Issuing Power of Attorney
  • Power of Attorney (certified by notary and apostilled)
  • Declaration of trust

All documents will be dispatched to you by special courier delivery.

About USA
Capital city: Washington, D.C
Region: Most people use five major regions when dividing up the states. They are the Northeast, Southeast, Midwest, Southwest, and West.
Political System: The United States is a federal republic in which the president, Congress, and courts share powers reserved to the national government according to its Constitution.
Government: The Federal Government of the United States is the federal government of the United States, a republic in North America, composed of 50 states, one district, Washington, D.C., and several territories.
Governing corporate legislation: Every state and territory has its own basic corporate code.
Type of Law: In the United States, the law is derived from five sources: constitutional law, statutory law, treaties, administrative regulations, and the common law (which includes case law).
Currency: United States Dollar.
Exchange Control: Common foreign exchange controls include: Banning the use of foreign currency within the country.
Language of Legislation and Corporate Documents: English
Time Zone: GMT- 5 in Washington DC

Over the 20th century, most major corporations incorporated under the Delaware General Corporation Law, which offered lower corporate taxes. Nevada has done the same. Twenty-four states follow the Model Business Corporation Act.

ALABAMA LLC FORMATION How to register a LLC in Alabama
Name for Your LLC A LLC’s name must contain the words “Limited Liability Company” or the abbreviations “LLC” or “L.L.C.”
Restricted & Prohibited words For example Names: Bank, Attorney, University require additional paperwork and may require a licensed.
Prohibited words are those that would confuse the name of your LLC with a federal or state agency (e.g. FBI, Secret Service, Treasury etc.)
Where to File an Application of LLC Registration An Alabama LLC is created by filing a Certificate of Formation with a Probate Court.
Requirements of a Registered Agent Every Alabama LLC must have an agent for service of process in the state.
Is registered agency is required? Yes, an individual or corporation.You may elect an individual within the company including yourself.
An Operating Agreement A LLC operating agreement is not required in Alabama, but it is good practice to have one. An operating agreement is created, it must be filed with the LLC’s Certificate of Formation.
Publication Requirements There are no publication requirements in Alabama.
Annual filing requirements for your LLC Alabama requires LLCs to file a Business Privilege Tax Return and Annual Report with the Department of Revenue on or before three and one-half months after the beginning of the LLC’s taxable year.
How much is Tax obligation required to pay? A minimum $100 state tax must be paid each year.
Other Tax Requirements If your LLC has more than one member than you have to register for EIN
Why do I need an EIN For Federal and State tax purposes
To hire employees for the company
To open a business bank account for the company
Do I need to obtain Business License? Depending on its type of business and where it is located, your LLC may need to obtain other local and state business licenses.
Where I have to keep LLC Records An Alabama LLC must keep the records in its principal office and make them available for inspection by LLC members
Do I need to register for State taxes? If you have Employees in Alabama
If you are selling taxable goods or services in Alabama
ALASKA LLC FORMATION How to register Alaska LLC Formation?
Name for Your LLC A LLC’s name must contain the words “Limited Liability Company” or the abbreviations “LLC” or “L.L.C.”
Restricted & Prohibited words For example Names: Bank, Attorney, University require additional paperwork and may require a licensed.
Prohibited words are those that would confuse the name of your LLC with a federal or state agency (e.g. FBI, Secret Service, Treasury etc.)
Where to file Certificate of Formation? An Alaska LLC is created by filing articles of organization with the State of Alaska Corporations.
Requirements of a Registered Agent An Alaska LLC must have an agent for service of process in the state.
Who can be a Registered Agent? The registered agent may be an individual resident of Alaska or a corporation authorized to transact business in Alaska.
Who will register your LLC in Alaska State of Alaska Division of Corporations
An Operating Agreement An LLC operating agreement is not required in Alaska, but is highly advisable.
Publication Requirements No, there are no public records requirements.
Annual filing requirements for your LLC LLC is responsible to file an Initial Report with the State of Alaska Division of Corporations within 6 months of organisation.
What is filing fee for Initial Report you have to pay? There is no filing fee.
What are State Tax obligation requirements? A Biennial Report form must be filed every two years. The report is due before January 2 of the filing year.
Other Tax and Regulatory Requirements The State of Alaska Division Corporations filing fee is $100 for Alaska LLCs
Why do I need an EIN This may be necessary to open a bank account and will be necessary to hire employees.
Do I need to obtain Business License? An Alaska Business License is required to do business in the state.
Where I have to keep LLC Records LLC must keep the records in its principal office and make them available for inspection by LLC members
Do I need a Federal tax ID number? You can get your federal tax ID number from the IRS.
The time of registration It will take about 7-10 business days to process your Alaska limited liability company
ARIZONA LLC FORMATION How to register a LLC in Arizona?
Name for Your LLC Name must contain the words Limited Liability Company or or the abbreviations “LLC,” “L.L.C”, “L.C.,” or “LC.” A professional LLC’s name must contain the words “professional limited liability company” or the abbreviations “P.L.L.C.,” “P.L.C.,” “PLLC,” or “PLC.”
Restricted & Prohibited words For example words such as Bank, Attorney, University require additional paperwork and may require a licensed individual, such as a doctor or lawyer, to be part of the LLC.
Prohibited words are those that would confuse the name of your LLC with a federal or state agency (e.g. FBI, Secret Service, Treasury etc.)
Where to file Certificate of Formation? An Arizona LLC is created by filing a Certificate of Formation with a Arizona Corporation Commission.
Requirements of a Registered Agent Every Arizona LLC must have an agent for service of process in the state.
Who can be a Registered Agent? This is an individual or corporation. You may elect an individual within the company including yourself.
Who will register your LLC in Alaska Arizona Corporation Commission
An Operating Agreement A LLC operating agreement is not required in Arizona, but it is good practice to have one. An operating agreement is created, it must be filed with the LLC’s Certificate of Formation.
Publication Requirements LLCs of Arizona have to publish a notice of organisation for three consecutive weeks in an approved newspaper in the county of the LLC’s principal office. A list of acceptable newspapers in each county is posted on the Arizona Corporation Commission website.
Annual filing requirements for your LLC Arizona requires LLCs to file an Annual Report
How much you have to pay to file an annual report? Arizona corporate law requires Arizona corporations to file an annual report and pay a $45 fee
What State Tax obligation required to pay? An annual gross receipts tax of a minimum of $800.
Other Tax and Regulatory Requirements An EIN (Employer Identification Number) is obtained from the IRS (free of charge) by the business owner after forming the company.
Why do I need an EIN For Federal and State tax purposes
To hire employees for the company
To open a business bank account for the company
Do I need to obtain Business License? Depending on its type of business and where it is located, your LLC may need to obtain other local and state business licenses.
Where I have to keep LLC Records An Arizona LLC must keep the records in its principal office and make them available for inspection by LLC members
Do I need to register for State taxes? If you have Employees in Arizona
If you are selling taxable goods or services in Arizona

The State of Delaware is a leading domicile for U.S. and international corporations. The Delaware General Corporation Law is the most advanced and flexible business formation statute in the nation.

DELAWARE LLC FORMATION How to register a LLC in Delaware?
Name for Your LLC The name must include the words “Limited Liability Company” or the abbreviation “L.L.C.” or the designation “LLC”.
Restricted & Prohibited words For example Names: Bank, Attorney, University require additional paperwork and may require a licensed.
Prohibited words are those that would confuse the name of your LLC with a federal or state agency (e.g. FBI, Secret Service, Treasury etc.) Prohibited words are those that would confuse the name of your LLC with a federal or state agency (e.g. FBI, Secret Service, Treasury etc.)
Where to File an Application of LLC Registration Delaware Secretary of State
Requirements of a Registered Agent Yes.Delaware law requires every corporation to have and maintain a Registered Agent in the State who may be either an individual resident, a domestic corporation, or a foreign corporation authorized to transact business in Delaware whose business office is identical with the corporation’s registered office
An Operating Agreement A LLC operating agreement is not required in Delaware, but it is good practice to have one. An operating agreement is created, it must be filed with the LLC’s Certificate of Formation.
Publication Requirements There are no publication requirements in Delaware.
Corporate Annual filing requirements for your LLC All active Domestic Corporation Annual Reports and Franchise Taxes for the prior year are due annually on or before March 1st and are required to be filed online. Failure to file the report and pay the required franchise taxes will result in a penalty of $200.00 plus 1.5% interest per month on tax and penalty
Other Tax Requirements Franchise Tax Rates:The minimum tax is currently $175.00, using the Authorized Shares Method and the Minimum Tax using the Assumed Par Value Capital Method is $400.00 with a maximum tax of $200,000.00 for both methods unless it has been identified as a Large Corporate Filer, then their tax will be $250,000.00. Taxes are assessed if the corporation is active in the records of the Division of Corporations anytime during January 1st through December 31st of the current tax year.
Annual Tax Requirements All Domestic and Foreign Limited Liability Companies, Limited Partnerships, and General Partnerships formed or registered in Delaware are required to pay an annual tax of $300.00. There is no requirement to file an Annual Report.
To open a business bank account for the company In local banks personal presence is required.Possible to open bank accounts outside of USA
Do I need to obtain Business License? Depending on its type of business and where it is located, your LLC may need to obtain other local and state business licenses.
Where I have to keep LLC Records A Delaware LLC must keep their records in its principal office and make them available for inspection by LLC members

This publication is provided for information purposes only. This info should not be treated as a substitute for a tax or legal consultation or legislation. You should not act on the basis of the information contained in this publication without having obtained individual advice from the professional expert.

BRIS GROUP does not assume responsibility for any damage resulting from decisions made by the reader on the basis of this publication.

Our team of consultants are here to take you through the process.