Netherlands Company Formation

Netherlands Company Formation
  • Stable jurisdiction and good reputation.
  • Time of Netherlands company formation takes 5 Days.
  • Personal presence is not required.
  • Popular company type:
    • BV (Besloten Vennootschap) – Netherlands Private Limited Company
    • CV (Cooperatieve Vennootschap) – NetherlandsLimited Partnership

Tax Rates in Netherlands

Corporation Tax in Netherlands: 16.5% for profits up to €200.000 euro and 25% for profits over €200.000

Income Tax in Netherlands: The three income boxes:

  • Box 1: income from profits, employment, and homeownership. In 2021, earnings up to €68,507 are taxed at 37.1%, while earnings over the limit are taxed at 49.5%. All workers have a general tax credit of €2,837.
  • Box 2: income from substantial interest is taxed at 25%.
  • Box 3: income from savings and investments are taxed at a maximum 31% tax rate. Taxpayers have a tax-free capital limit of €50,000.

VAT Tax in Netherlands: 21% (reduced rate of 9% and 0% for some goods and services)

About Netherlands

Country: Netherlands

Capital: Amsterdam

Continent: Europe

Language: Dutch

Currency: Euro

Time Zones: GMT +1

Dial Code: +31

Abbreviations: NL

What we can do for your Company in Netherlands

  • We do all paperwork on forming the company in Netherlands
  • Formation is completely remote
  • Can act as Secretary or Treasury
  • Provide nominee Directors/Shareholders
  • Assist with opening a bank account
  • Registration for Taxes, VAT & EORI
  • Develop a website for your business
  • Create a logo of your brand
  • Provide with full company administration services
  • Arrange a mailing address for your business
  • Arrange a virtual office for your company
  • Telephone answering service
  • Book keeping, audit & reporting
  • Preparing and submitting VAT return
  • Dealing with local authority
  • Trademark registration

Netherlands Company Formation. Netherlands Private Limited Company Registration

Main Characteristics and the basic rules of Company registration in Netherlands

When thinking of expanding your business operations, it is imperative that you choose the destination for such plans with care. If capturing the European market by establishing base in a prime country is on the agenda, Netherlands may be just right. It is preferred by some MNCs and midsized companies for overseas operations. The stable govt, solid economy and business friendly environment attract the foreign investors. If you choose Netherlands for your business destination- seeking our Netherlands Company Formation package may be of use.

Netherlands has a history of doing trade with foreign nations and this tradition has helped its pro business environment flourish over the years. The country has very few restrictions for allowing foreign investments and foreign companies are allowed to have 100% stake in the majority of Dutch enterprises.

The bureaucratic infrastructure of Netherlands is ideal for foreign investors, as it is. The Dutch Chamber of Commerce helps you set up a venture fast. It also offers plenty of useful resources and data to entrepreneurs will to start business in the country. You can opt for different types of ventures as per the norms. For example, you can choose to from a one-person business, limited partnership and private company. The govt has simplified business ownership requirements by reducing capital amount required than earlier. To understand nuances of business formation in Netherlands, our Netherlands Company Formation package will be really useful.

The govt of Netherlands is interested in attracting foreign investments in the country and for that keeps introducing new laws and reforms. One of these is start-up residence permit for wooing ambitious entrepreneurs outside the EU.

When you expand business in a country far away from home turf, getting right people for workforce is a concern. Fortunately, hiring skilled and English fluent employee is not a problem in Netherlands. You need not think about language barrier for business needs.

The strong transport network in Netherlands and its excellent telecommunication setup is ideal for business investors. The aviation and road transport are among the top ones in Europe.

The pro business environment in Netherlands may encourage you to choose it for business expansion hub in Europe. However, an instance of a veteran agency may help in meeting formalities and staying clear in legal grounds for company formation. You should choose the BRIS group for business expansion in Netherlands. Call us for the details on our Netherlands Company Formation package today.

Netherlands Company Formation Financial Advantages
Taxation 20-25.5% (dependable on income)
Double Taxation Treaty Access: Yes Treaty Access with many countries
Netherlands Tax Information Exchange Agreements: Yes, Netherlands signs Exchange Agreements
Account Filing Requirements: Yes accounting / reporting requirements
Annual Return Filing Requirements: Yes annual return/ reporting requirements
Audit Requirements: Yes audit required.
Netherlands Company Formation Registration Requirements
Share Capital: EUR 0.01 (only applicable to BV companies)
Classes of Share Available for Netherlands company formation: Registered shares (only applicable to BV companies)
Bearer Shares: Not Allowed
Registered Office Required: Yes required and must be maintained in the Netherlands
Shareholders: Minimum number is one
Directors: Minimum number is one. (two for CV companies) Can be any nationality and need not be resident in the Netherlands (but majority must be EU residents). Corporate directors are allowed.
Your Company language: Latin alphabet
Name of your Company must be ended: “Besloten Vennootschap” /”BV” (for BV)”Coóperatieve Vennootschap” /”CV” (for CV)
Documents required for Netherlands company formation: A certified copy of your passport or ID and proof of your residential address dated less than 3 months.
Netherlands Company Formation Restrictions
For Netherlands company formation you cannot use words in your company names without justification: “Bank”, “Trustee Company”, “Assurance”, “Building Society”, ”Trust Company”, “Royal” etc.
Restrictions on Trading: None
Not permitted without a licence: Fund management, insurance, Banking, reinsurance, assurance, trust management, collective investment schemes, trusteeship business provision.
Netherlands Company Formation Confidentiality and Security
Publicly Accessible Records: No public register of company officers (Directors, Shareholders, Secretary)
Nominee Shareholders and Nominee Directors: Yes, Allowed
Disclosure of Beneficial Ownership to Authorities: No
Meetings of Directors and Shareholders to be held: Anywhere
Stability: Stable jurisdiction and good reputation.

The steps for registering a company in Netherlands


Check the name of the new Dutch company at the Chamber of Commerce. If the name is available, then it must be reserved and a certificate for that name will be received by you or by your lawyer.


You have to provide all necessary information and documents such as:

  • Information on shareholders and directors of the future Dutch company
  • Passportsof shareholders (if natural persons), directors, and UBO’s (Ultimate Beneficial Owners) or notarized copies if registration in distance.
  • Apostilled Company Register Extracts (From the Companies House) if the shareholders are legal entities
  • Capital (minimum is 1 EUR)
  • You have to arrange a registered office in the Netherlands


  • You have to draw up the articles of association, fill in special forms and present copies of identity documents of the shareholders and directors, then sign them.
  • Visit a Dutch Public Notary to sign company incorporation documents or sign the documents in Netherlands embassy in your country and send them in original to our company’s address in Amsterdam. Or you can provide a Power of Attorney notarized and apostilled. In this case you do not need visit Holland in person.


  • Our lawyer will submit the forms to the Chamber of Commerce which will provide a registration number. If the documents will be delivered in person to the Dutch Trade Registry for incorporation, then the number of registration will be received just in hour.
  • The announcement of incorporationwill be made in the Netherlands Official Gazette (Staatscourant).


  • A tax number must be obtained; therefore, you must submit a registration form at the local tax authorities.
  • Hiring an accountant, after the company is registered . You should hire an accountant for assistance with the taxes, audit and financial consultancy.


Set up a bank account. Open a bank account in one of Netherlands reliable bank.

  • The Dutch BV (limited liability company). Minimum share capital of 1 EUR, according to the Company Law .
  • The General Partnership. The company with two or more partners, unlimited liability on the firm’s debts.
  • Dutch Limited Partnership. Another form of partnership, with at least two partners – one general who has unlimited liabilities and takes the management decisions – and contributor one who must deliver a capital to the firm and has his liability limited to his contribution.
  • Professional Partnership. Not less then two partners, who are responsible for their claims. Suitable for practicing a profession and not for business.
  • Public Liability Company. For large investments with a share capital of 45,000 EUR.
  • Branches/Subsidiaries of foreign companies.
About Netherlands Netherlands Company Formation
Capital city: Amsterdam
Region: A country in northwestern Europe
Political System: Democracy
Government: Constitutional Monarchy
Governing corporate legislation: Commercial Code of the Netherlands..
Type of Law: Common
Currency: Euro (EUR)
Exchange Control: None
Language of Legislation and Corporate Documents: Dutch
Time zone: GMT+1

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