Due Diligence Requirements

For a Company Registration
1) Identity
For legal persons (Companies/Foundations)
- Certified copy of the Certificate of Incorporation or equivalent
- Certificate of Good Standing (if a Company incorporated more than 1 year);
- Certified copy Memorandum of Association or equivalent document.
- Certified copy Registers of Directors and Members
- Identity and Address verification for Directors and Shareholders
For natural person Identity:
- Certified copy valid passport bearing the photograph of the applicant.
2) Residential address confirmation:
- A recent account statement (i.e. no more than 3 months old) from a recognised bank, building society or credit card company or the most recent mortgage statement from a recognised lender.
- Photographic driving licence or national identity card containing current residential address if the document has not been used to verify identity.
- A recent rates, council tax or utility bill (recent in respect of utility bills is considered to be no more than 3 months old).
- Mobile telephone bills are not acceptable as evidence of address under any circumstances.
- Correspondence from an official independent source such as a central or local government department or agency.
Notes on Certification
Certification wording for photographic ID:
- “Having met the holder and having seen the original document at the same time, I confirm that this is true and accurate copy of the original document that I have seen and that the photograph bears a true likeness to the holder.”
For Utility Bills and non-photographic documents:
- “I confirm that this is true and accurate copy of the original document that I have seen.”
For certification to be effective:
- The certifier will need to have seen the original documentation and have met the individual face-to-face.
- The certifier must sign and date the copy document (printing his/her name clearly in capitals underneath) and clearly indicate his/her position or capacity on it and provide his contact details. If a member of a recognised professional body, also provide membership number.
Suitable persons to certify verification of identity documents include:
- An officer of an embassy, consulate or high commission of the country of issue of documentary verification of identity;
- a lawyer or notary public who is a fully qualified member of a recognised professional body;
- an actuary who is a fully qualified member of a recognised professional body;
- an accountant who is a fully qualified member of a recognised professional body;
- a company secretary who is a fully qualified member of a recognised professional body;

For Bank Account Opening
Requirements for bank account opening:
- Passport (as mentioned above)
- Residential Address Confirmation (as mentioned above)
- Professional Reference Letter from an accountant, solicitor or bank manager addressed to the bank for all Directors, Shareholders and appointed bank Signatories
Additional requirements might apply.
This publication is provided for information purposes only. This info should not be treated as a substitute for a tax or legal consultation or legislation. You should not act on the basis of the information contained in this publication without having obtained individual advice from the professional expert.
BRIS GROUP does not assume responsibility for any damage resulting from decisions made by the reader on the basis of this publication.
Our team of consultants are here to take you through the process.

We provide a wide range of offshore companies formation, administration and fiduciary services for internal and external clients worldwide. We help to maintain an offshore company in accordance with the regulations, laws and tax authorities of the foreign state in which it is registered for non-resident clients.
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