Bermuda Company Formation

Bermuda Company Formation
  • Stable jurisdiction and highly regarded reputation
  • Time of Bermuda company formation takes around 3 WEEKS.
  • Personal presence not required
  • Popular company type:
    • Bermuda Exempt Company

Tax Rates in Bermuda

Corporation Tax in Bermuda: 0%

Income Tax in Bermuda: 0%. but there is a payroll tax that may be deducted from your pay, max 5,5%

VAT Tax in Bermuda: 0%

About Bermuda

Country: Bermuda

Capital: Hamilton

Continent: North America

Language: English

Currency: Bermudian Dollar (BMD)

Time Zones: GMT -3

Dial Code: +1 441

Abbreviations: BM, BMU

What we can do for your Company in Bermuda

  • We do all paperwork on forming the company in Bermuda
  • Formation is completely remote
  • Can act as Secretary or Treasury
  • Provide nominee Directors/Shareholders
  • Assist with opening a bank account
  • Registration for Taxes, VAT & EORI
  • Develop a website for your business
  • Create a logo of your brand
  • Provide with full company administration services
  • Arrange a mailing address for your business
  • Arrange a virtual office for your company
  • Telephone answering service
  • Book keeping, audit & reporting
  • Preparing and submitting VAT return
  • Dealing with local authority
  • Trademark registration

Bermuda Company Formation. Bermuda Offshore. Bermuda Exempt Company.

Main Characteristics and the basic rules of Company registration in Bermuda.

The oldest British Overseas Territory, Bermuda Island is situated at the eastern coastwise of the USA. The tiny island country with a population of approx 70000 has been a preferred vacation destination for ages. However, it can also be ideal for expansion. Sectors like insurance, tourism, real estate thrive in Bermuda’s economy.

You may think how expanding your venture to Bermuda can be a viable idea- given its small footprint. The reality is the country lacks natural resources like gas and oil and most of the things have to be imported. The economy is thriving, keeping behind the history of recession and public debt. Relocation of several reinsurance companies to Bermuda following Hurricane Katrina and the 9/11 attacks has resulted in its emergence as an international business sector.
You will get plenty of choices when it comes to business expansion in Bermuda. Beyond question, insurance sector is Bermuda’s most successful and thriving industry. The food sector is also potent one from investing perspective. Restaurants and bar businesses tend to do well in this island. Any tourism relayed venture is likely to do well in the island too. While most of the tourists hail from the US states, a significant number of them belong to the EU and other contents too. Tying up with top traveling agencies and cruise ship companies can be ideal for this.

You can also think of doing offbeat businesses in Bermuda. Drinking water is scarce in the island and starting a business of water refilling can be profitable. Getting into cruise boat transport venture is also suitable for this island. Starting a liquor bar is viable since you need not obtain any license from the local administration.

You need to learn about legal norms and limitations of expanding business to Bermuda. As a resident of another country you cannot purchase undeveloped land. Houses can be quite expensive too. You need to get immigration department permit for working in the island country. A standard work permit you can use for 5 years. Despite some apparent limitations, foreign investment in the island stands at US$424 million as per 2011 estimate. You will have to do with only US dollar as no other currency is accepted here.

To ensure your business expansion dreams in Bermuda do not suffer, you should seek expert assistance and consultation. In this regard, no one can help you better than the BRIS Group! Call us to get the details today.

Bermuda Company Formation (IBC)

Financial Advantages
Taxation: No taxes
Double Taxation Treaty Access: No Treaty Access
Bermuda Tax Information Exchange Agreements Yes, TIEAs signed by Bermuda
Account Filing Requirements: Yes, accounting / reporting required
Annual Return Filing Requirements: No annual return/ reporting requirements
Audit Requirements: No audit required.
Bermuda Company Formation Registration Requirements
Share Capital: US$12,000
Classes of Share Available for Bermuda company formation: Shares with or without voting rights, redeemable shares, registered shares, preference shares, shares of no par value
Minimum paid up share capital: US$1
Bearer Shares: Not Allowed
Registered Office Required: Yes, required and must be maintained in Bermuda
Registered agent: Yes, required
Shareholders: Minimum number is one
Directors: Minimum numbers are two. Need always have sufficient Bermudian resident directors, can also appoint non-Bermudian directors. Corporate directors are not allowed.
Company Seal: Not required
Your Company language: English
Name of your Company must be ended: “Limited or Ltd”
Documents required for Bermuda company formation: A certified copy of your passport or ID and proof of your residential address dated less than 3 months.


Bermuda Company Formation (IBC)

For Bermuda company formation you cannot use words in your company names without justification: “Bank”, “Trustee Company”, “Assurance”, “Building Society”, ”Trust Company”, “Royal” etc.
Restrictions on Trading: None
Not permitted without a licence: Fund management, insurance, Banking, reinsurance, assurance, trust management, collective investment schemes, trusteeship business provision.

Bermuda Company Formation

Confidentiality and Security
Publicly Accessible Records: There are no public registers exist of company officers (Directors, Shareholders, Secretary)
Possibility to use Nominee Shareholders and Nominee Directors for Bermuda Company Formation: Yes, allowed
Disclosure of Beneficial Ownership to Authorities: NO, The names or identities of beneficial owner do not appear in any public records
Meetings of Directors and Shareholders to be held: You can hold Meetings of Directors and Shareholders of Bermuda Exempt Company anywhere.
What is the stability to register Bermuda Company (IBC) Stable jurisdiction and highly sustained reputation

About Bermuda

Capital city: Hamilton
Region: British Overseas Territory in the North Atlantic Ocean, located off the east coast of North America. Its nearest landmass is Cape Hatteras, North Carolina, United States, about 1,070 km (665 mi) to the west-northwest
Political System: Bermuda is a parliamentary representative democratic dependency. The premier is the head of government, and there is a multi-party system. Bermuda is the oldest self-governing British Overseas Territory and has a great degree of internal autonomy.
Government: Constitutional Monarchy
Governing corporate legislation: Companies Act 1981
Type of Law: English common law
Type of company: Bermuda Exempt Company.
Currency: Bermudian Dollar (BMD)
Exchange Control: None
Language of Legislation and Corporate Documents: English
Time Zone: GMT-3.
  • Provide privacy protection, without disclosing shareholders and directors
  • No tax shall be declarable and payable
  • No double taxation treaties with other countries
  • Unlimited duration — the duration of a company is not dependant on the life of a particular individual.
  • Transferability of shares — can be sold, transferred or given away and
  • Ability to raise investment capital — much easier to attract new investors into a company. Shares can be transferred directly to new investors.

This publication is provided for information purposes only. This info should not be treated as a substitute for a tax or legal consultation or legislation. You should not act on the basis of the information contained in this publication without having obtained individual advice from the professional expert.

BRIS GROUP does not assume responsibility for any damage resulting from decisions made by the reader on the basis of this publication.

Our team of consultants are here to take you through the process.