Nominee Director, Nominee Shareholder
If you would like to take the full advantage of the nominee services we will be able to assist you with providing professional and confidential advice and offer you our services.

Benefits of using nominee services
- Using a nominee director or nominee shareholder can bring substantial benefits to you and your business.
- Using nominee services will result in the name of the nominee person, rather that of the beneficial owners, to appear on the corporate documents such as the Articles of Incorporation. This ensures the owner’s identity is kept private, maintaining anonymity and a high level of security.
- The nominee director, however, doesn’t hold any practical power over the business and is only for company incorporation.
- Furthermore, the use of nominees will provide benefits of the tax system of the chosen offshore jurisdiction. For example, in order to gain the benefits of the Cyprus tax system the company must be a tax resident requiring the company to be controlled and managed from the country.
- However, it must also be noted that, if lawfully requested by the Court or by the Financial Investigations Agency, the nominee directors are obliged to reveal the identity of the nominee.
We will not be able to provide nominee service for Restricted Business Activities:
- Dealing in medications, pharmaceuticals, health products etc.
- Pornography, adult content material
- Dating agencies, contact websites
- Dealing in arms or arms parts that may be used in weapon production.
- Timeshare
- Gaming, gambling
- Financial Services, financing, leasing
- Parallel trading
- Tobacco, wines and spirits
- Mercenary or contract soldiering
- Security and riot control equipment, or any device that could lead to the abuse of human rights or be utilised for torture
- Technical surveillance or bugging equipment
- Industrial espionage
- Dangerous or hazardous biological, chemical or nuclear materials
- Trading in human or animal organs
- Adoption agencies
- Pyramid selling schemes
- Religious cults or their charities
- Clubs, Associations, Federations, NGOs etc.
- Private educational establishments, eg. Academies or Universities
- Generic web-hosting services for multiple undefined activities.
- Call-centre marketing services for undefined products or services, or “boiler-room” enterprises.
More information about compliance documents please find here
The Process of using Nominee Services. How can you order it?
- Once nominee service is paid we will register a company using our nominee Director and Nominee Shareholder.
- We will send you our terms and conditions wish includes our nominee appointment agreement with you, as well as a deed of indemnity regulating our appointment.
- You must then complete this agreement and have it certified by your solicitor or accountant. Return the agreement to us, together with the necessary money laundering compliance documents:
Certified copy of your passport or photographic driving licence.
Certified Copy of a utility bill containing your address.
Call us today, and get your business off to the best possible start.

We provide a wide range of offshore companies formation, administration and fiduciary services for internal and external clients worldwide. We help to maintain an offshore company in accordance with the regulations, laws and tax authorities of the foreign state in which it is registered for non-resident clients.
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We will not be able to provide our service for certain Restricted Business Activities. Please click here for the full list.