Offshore Trust Registration
A trust is a legally acknowledged and binding agreement whereby an asset that is held by a Settlor is transferred to a Trustee, in whom resides the legal ownership of the asset that is managed for the benefits of the trust’s Beneficiary.
An offshore trusts is thus a conventional trust that is formed under the legislation of a particular offshore country. Offshore trust assets can be held in a form of real and intellectual property; life assurance policies; shares and stocks; investment portfolios, bank deposits etc.
Advantages of an Offshore Trust Registration:
- Strong legal protection. An offshore trust offers strong offshore asset protection from creditors and legal judgements from other foreign countries.
- Tax planning tool. Offshore trusts can valuable vehicles for tax avoidance generating savings in income tax, capital gains tax, etc.
- Confidentiality with respect to your assets and business affairs. Offshore trust deeds are not publicly registered.
- Protection against “forced heirship” rules and inheritance taxes. Offshore trust is a legal method of a Will of transferring where the asset is not included the Will, thus remain disclosed to the tax authorities.
Trusts may be established as stand-alone solutions also you can establish it as a part of a structure.
BRIS GROUP services includes:
- Establishing corporate structures;
- Preparing of the trust deed;
- Providing a designated trustee;
- Arranging a bank account;
- Maintaining trust accounts.

How to set up an offshore trust
In today’s blog we will look at a very common question among businessmen: how to set up an offshore trust. You can recap on what an offshore trust is by clicking on the link. Conditions for creation of an offshore trust will depend on the requirements of different offshore countries. When choosing the most appropriate…
Offshore Trust Benefits
Offshore trusts are great for asset protection with complete confidentiality. You can gain confidentiality and security with trusts due to the fact that it is not possible to identify the owner of a trust. The benefits gained from the unidentifiable of an owner is such that the owner can protect themselves from any liability in…
If you are interesting in setting up a trust we can help you with your offshore trust establishment and asset protection. We should advise that trusts, although still in use, are not that much in use any more as are the Private Interest Foundations. More information about the Foundation
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We provide a wide range of offshore companies formation, administration and fiduciary services for internal and external clients worldwide. We help to maintain an offshore company in accordance with the regulations, laws and tax authorities of the foreign state in which it is registered for non-resident clients.
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