Opening a bank account in Dubai

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Opening a bank account in Dubai

Many businessmen and entrepreneurs are interested in opening of the bank account in Dubai where the banking sector is especially developed. Appeal of the United Arab Emirates banking system to the foreigners is explained by a variety of reasons:
  • UAE banks have a world reputation for their high reliability and liquidity
  • The system of internet banking is securely protected from hacker attacks
  • Banks of the United Arab Emirates are not included in any of the “black” lists.
  • Stability of the UAE’s national currency is attached to the American dollar
  • Information about owners of bank account in Dubai is protected from the third parties and its disclosure is possible only by a court decision.
  • The United Arab Emirates is a stable state, in the political as well as economic sense.
The authorities of the United Arab Emirates aren’t interested in the sources of income of the foreigners who decided to open a bank account in Dubai. However, what is of interest, is whether a non-resident has any problems with law, whether they are listed in the international search and whether they will be able to fulfil all requirements necessary for opening of a bank account in Dubai. Until very recently it was only possible to open a bank account in Dubai for residents of the Emirates. Now this service became available also for foreigners. However those who are not planning to fulfil all the necessary requirements, or aren’t ready to prove the legal source of the earnings or would like to open a bank account in Dubai on a nominal name, will fail in in obtaining permission to open a bank account in Dubai.
Who has the right to open the bank account in Dubai?
First of all, residents of this country will have the right to open a bank account in Dubai irrespective of as the resident received the visa (opening of own business, official employment, purchase of expensive real estate object). Existence of the visa assumes possibility of opening of both the settlement, and deposit bank account in any pleasant bank of the United Arab Emirates.
  • There is an opportunity to open the bank account in Dubai as well at absence at the foreigner of the resident visa. This procedure is almost unreal if you don’t attract to the solution of this question of skilled lawyers. The impressive sum put in bank of the United Arab Emirates accelerates procedure of opening of a savings account.
  • Possibility of opening of the bank account in Dubai is available for the wife of the resident who is on the sponsor’s visa of the husband. But thus its permission and consent will be required.
If you after all aren’t the resident of the United Arab Emirates, but you have a need for opening a bank account in Dubai, you need to take the following steps step by step: 1. To choose the bank which was pleasant to you. It can be both any international bank, and local. 2. To collect all necessary documents:
  • passport of the non-resident
  • any paid receipt on which your address (the certificate on residence in the United Arab Emirates) is put down
  • the autobiography in English
  • an extract from the bank account from other bank (the account can be as previous, previous, and existing


    If you are looking for opening a bank account in Dubai our team will be happy to help you there and provide you with more detailed information, you can contact us at [email protected]

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    Opening a bank account in Dubai

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