Setting up a Liechtenstein Company
The Principality of Liechtenstein is a small country (population around 35000 people) on the map of Europe between the borders of Austria and Switzerland. It is a constitutional monarchy headed by a prince. Liechtenstein is one of the richest countries in the world measured by the gross national product, however it is not a member of the European Union.
Liechtenstein is one of the most ideal and popular offshore jurisdictions in the world. Unlike other tax havens in Liechtenstein there are no special rules and regulations for offshore companies. The concept of “offshore company” is not used, however, for the companies registered in the Principality but receiving profits from elsewhere, a zero tax rate is applied. This is achieved by obtaining the status of the so-called domiciliary company that meets all the features characteristic of a typical offshore.
There are two types of companies that can be created in Liechtenstein
- Holding Liechtenstein company – for property and funds management
- Domiciliary– (offshore company) for engaging in activities outside the country but having a registered office within
Both types of companies enjoying tax benefits – they are exempted from the payment of taxes on income and transfer tax on interest. For doing business in Liechtenstein there are no license requirements, except for the companies involved in the financial sector.
There are various forms of establishment that an enterprise can take:
- Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung (GmbH) – private company with limited liability
- Aktiengesellschaft (AG) – Company Limited by Shares
- Anstalt – agency
- Stiftung – Closed Stock Company
- Trust Enterprise
In Liechtenstein banking secrecy is of a high importance and all correspondence of individuals and businesses is kept strictly in secret. Local authorities do not cooperate with foreign investigative authorities in solving tax plan crimes. Transmission of confidential information is prohibited even in the case if otherwise it would damage the economy of Liechtenstein. Nominee service in Liechtenstein company is a common practice. At the same time illegally obtained money are not welcome.
Other benefits of Liechtenstein company formation include:
- Prestige jurisdiction and the stability of the economy, close ties with Switzerland
- The absence of exchange controls
- The rapidly growing financial sector, developed banking system
- Simplified scheme of incorporation
- A high level of confidentiality
If you wish to register a Liechtenstein company our team will be happy to help you there and provide you with more detailed information, you can contact us at [email protected]
Liechtenstein company
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