Advantages to incorporate offshore company in Belize

Belize Bank District, to illustrate Double Taxation Agreement

Advantages to incorporate offshore company in Belize

Benefits of Offshore Company in Belize

  • Exempt from taxes on all income of an International Business Company in Belize
  • Exempt from taxes on all dividends paid by an International Business Company in Belize
  • Exempt from taxes on all interests, rent, royalties, compensations and other amounts paid by an International Business Company in Belize
  • Exempt from taxes on capital gains on shares, debt obligations or other securities of an International Business Company in Belize by non-residents
  • No restrictions on currency
  • Meetings of shareholders and/or directors can be held in any country
  • No citizenship or residency requirements for directors or shareholders
  • Limited Liability to the amount of the nominal value of the shares. Shareholders cannot be liable for amount over the nominal value of shares.
  • Directors meetings can be held anywhere need not be in Belize.
  • No limitations or conditions on nationalities.
  • No requirements to file annual reports setting out the number of shares issued or to disclose names of shareholder or directors.
  • One shareholder is required. Company (or trust) can be the shareholder.
  • Changes of shareholders or directors do not need to be filed with the Registrar of Companies.
  • Bookkeeping and annual accounts are not mandatory requirements.
  • The Companies files and records can be held anywhere in the world.
  • The company Structure is very Flexible.
  • The procedures for liquidation of the corporation are easy.
Advantages to Incorporate Offshore Company in Belize
Located in the beautiful Caribbean Sea, Belize is an astounding destination for holidays and business ventures. With a population that barely crosses 250,000, Belize has a lot to offer for investors. The destination is renowned for its offshore opportunities. When it comes to businesses and trading, Belize has an edge over many other countries. The country’s impressive legislation and jurisdiction allows International Business Companies to engage in the following activities: 1)      You can lease properties inside Belize for use as a company’s office. 2)      You can hold meetings with members, directors and shareholders within Belize from anywhere. 3)      You can manage and record business transactions without much constraints or worries! 4)      Belize lets offshore companies maintain accounts in various local banks. Offshore banking is one of Belize’s key selling points.
Offshore Company in Belize – The Interesting 1990 Belize IBC Act
There are several benefits in incorporate offshore company trades in Belize. The Belize IBC regulations were formed as a part of the 1990 Belize IBC Act. You will be astonished to note that the 1990 Belize IBC Act is one of the world’s user friendly and modern offshore jurisdictions. The structured platform serves as an ideal tool for efficient financial transactions. The processes and regulations have being framed with ambitious offshore investors and businessmen in mind!
The IBC Act is truly effective and fast. If you are ought to kick start your first offshore trade, Belize is undeniably a destination for you!
Offshore Company in Belize – Many Benefits
Here is a quick walk through few prominent advantages in Belize incorporate offshore company. 1)      Belize IBC requires very little time to be registered and made functional. In most cases, the entire process requires less than two complete business days. If it is a complicated offshore company, the duration may range from three to five days. 2)      When compared against many other locations, Belize is cheap and affordable. It delights business owners with premium, low cost facilities. For example, the government fee is only 930 USD and a maintenance of 450 USD has to be paid every year. 3)      Belize IBC delights people with high levels of privacy. It makes sure fiscal or banking details are not conveyed to third parties. Customer confidentiality is a very important aspect of Belize Offshore Companies. 4)      Registered Belize offshore companies are not forced to pay any taxes! Additionally, the IBC is free from reporting needs too


If you wish to incorporate an Offshore Company in Belize our team will be happy to help you there and provide you with more detailed information, you can contact us at [email protected]

belize offshore company formation

Offshore Company in Belize

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