Banking in Belize. Belize Bank International

Belize Bank District, to illustrate Double Taxation Agreement

Banking in Belize

Banking in Belize can be a perfect choice for your company as Belize is a global financial centre that offers variety of offshore services and attractive offshore banking sector. Belize has a complex regulatory framework and supervision as well as regulation of banks, credit unions and other financial institutions. Belize’s financial system consists of the Central Bank of Belize, and a number of other financial organisations. The Central Bank of Belize was established on January 1, 1982.

One of the most stable banks with a twenty-year history in Belize is Belize Bank Group. In 2006, the Group received a license and started international banking -Belize Bank International. The Bank actively developed and today offers a wide range of banking products and services to all its local and international clients. The bank offers its services to offshore clients, providing a wide range of banking services and products.

Belize Bank opens for companies corporate accounts with convenient online banking, which makes it possible to manage finances from anywhere in the world. When opening an account you will be given a modern Internet bank through which you will be able to track all of your transactions and make a statement of account. These accounts are free from taxes and are not subject to exchange control. Accessible currency accounts – American Dollar, Euro, British pound and Canadian dollar. Also becoming a client of Belize Bank International, you can request a bank overdraft to your account.

Overall, why choose a banking in Belize?
  • English-speaking country
  • Convenient geographical location
  • The modern and flexible legislation
  • No tax on investment products
  • No exchange controls – easy to make payments in any country in the world
  • Security – protection from the changing economic and political conditions
  • Substantial savings due to low bank rates


If you wish to register a company in Belize with banking in Belize our team will be happy to help you there and provide you with more detailed information, you can contact us at [email protected]

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Banking in Belize

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Offshore banks