Benefits of Singapore Company

Singapore at night

Singapore Company registration

  • Singapore is a reputable, highly regulated, business jurisdiction.
  • Singapore company registration is straightforward and cost-effective.
  • Singapore tax rates are very competitive compared to other leading business centers around the world.
  • Singapore is on of the most modern cities
  • Only requires one director/shareholder
  • Allows nominee services
  • No need for physical presence
Benefits of Singapore Company

Benefits of Singapore Company – If you were a smart person from early 1800s, you would have moved into beautiful London! If you were from early 1900s, you would have moved into stunning New York City. And, if you are a smart person from the twentieth century, you should be in Singapore! A recent survey states that Singapore would be flooded with half a million people in the next four decades. It is capable of being the world’s largest foreign currency in near future.

Of course, Singapore’s healthcare and educational opportunities are considered as finest in the planet. With this being said, there are many interesting reasons on why you should think of a Singapore Company.

Benefits of Singapore Company #1 – Location

A major reason behind Singapore’s richness and active nature would be its strategic location. The country is located conveniently. Located in the middle of Southeast Asia, Singapore has access to nearly 3 billion people. Singapore port is identified as one of the world’s busiest, diversified and top-class centers. After all, it received the “Best Airport in the World” award for two consecutive decades.

Benefits of Singapore Company #2 – Successful Business Ventures

If you are talking about Singapore Company, you are certainly talking about business! That is because Singapore means business. It has a professional business environment that can attract lucrative businessmen and a sizeable number of foreign investors. When you are in Singapore, all your ideas can be converted to profits easily. This gives the Singapore Company an edge over western nations.

You need less than two days to incorporate a successful Singapore Company. And, the government will help you throughout the process. In simpler terms, Singapore is undeniably the world’s easiest and simplest places to manage any kind of trade.

Benefits of Singapore Company #3 – Amazing Tax Rewards

Another interesting benefit of the Singapore Company would be its astounding tax system. All entrepreneurs consider taxes as one of the most important things in their business ventures. Anywhere around the world, you will come across businessmen who are concerned about their tax figures. Luckily, Singapore delights such businessmen with rock bottom corporate tax values and low effective personal taxes. Generally, the personal tax ranges between zero and twenty percent for people with an income of S$ 320,000 or more.

And, if your income is less than S$ 300,000 you will be asked to pay a tax of 9 percent. Singapore’s competitive tax regulations make it a true haven for investors.


If you wish to register a Singapore Company our team will be happy to help you there and provide you with more detailed information, you can contact us at [email protected]

singapore offshore comopany

Singapore Company

Related page: Singapore Company Formation