Welcome to Bulgaria
Republic of Bulgaria is a country in South – East Europe, in the eastern part of the Balkan Peninsula. Due to its geographical location, the country is used in international transportation activities. Since 2004, Bulgaria is a NATO member, and since 2007 is a member of the EU that helps the country in creating new infrastructure for the ease of conducting business.
Political stability, low crime rate, great infrastructure as well as the wonderful climate and one of the largest tourism markets in the region makes Bulgaria an attractive jurisdiction for the purchase of real estate and participation in investment projects. However, any foreign individual who wishes to buy land or property with land in Bulgaria will first need to register a company in the country. Otherwise, foreigners are banned from land purchases in Bulgaria.
Doing business in Bulgaria
Welcoming Bulgaria has become even closer to us! It has a dynamically developing tourist industry, but, most importantly, a modern offshore market for registering a company. Bulgaria is a perfect place for conducting foreign trade activities as it is a European country and it does not hold an offshore status. Bulgaria is an attractive jurisdiction to foreign investors mainly due to its low prices and the high potential for growth and, thus, the expected efficiency of investment .
Registration of companies in Bulgaria can be favourably used in international tax planning schemes due to its low corporate tax rates.
An offshore company in Bulgaria can be registered in any of the following types:
• affiliate company
• a corporate company
• joint stock company
• limited liability companies
• holding companies
• branches of foreign companies
Benefits for offshore companies in Bulgaria:
• EU membership
• The lowest corporate tax rate in Europe
• Withholding tax on outgoing dividends of 5%
• Ability to use IFRS (instead of the local accounting standards)
• Fast company registration
If you wish to register an offshore company in Bulgaria our team will be happy to help you there and provide you with more detailed information, you can contact us at [email protected]
Offshore company in Bulgaria
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