Offshore trusts in BVI

British Virgin Islands company formation

Offshore Trusts in BVI

There are lots of operating offshore trusts in BVI with large capital bases. BVI mainly uses on the legislation on trusts of English common law, that provide a secure legislative infrastructure for the regulation of the processes for creation of trusts and foundations.

A offshore trust in BVI sets an agreement between a Founder (that provides his private assets and shares to the trust) and a Trustee (a deligated person that is responsible for the management of the trust). The purpose of setting a trust is to bring value for the Beneficiary.

The most popular type of offshore trust in BVI is a private trust. According to BVI legislation, the Founder of a trust has a lot of ways and opportunities to manage his assets and control the fulfilment of the trust declaration. Another type of offshore trust in BVI is a charity trust that are created for the environment protection, lowering of the level of poverty or realisation of fundamental freedom rights. Special purpose offshore trusts in BVI are also in use.

The main benefits of offshore trusts in BVI:
  • Absence of taxation on revenue, income and dividends
  • No annual government fee
  • No taxation on income gains
  • No stamp duty is levied on pension trusts and trusts containing assets held outside the BVI
    No minimum capital requirement
  • Effective tax planning
  • High degree of asset protection because the BVI courts cannot interfere with the activities of offshoretrusts in the BVI
  • Permitted ownership trust foreigners
  • A high degree of anonymity, despite the requirement to disclose the names and addresses of the beneficial owners
  • No foreign exchange regulation


If you are going to register an Offshore trusts in BVI our team will be happy to help you there and provide you with more detailed information, you can contact us at [email protected]

British offshore company, BVI company formation, BVI offshore trust

Offshore trusts in BVI

Related page: BVI company Formation