Marshall Islands Company

Cyprus & Marshall Islands Beach Shot

Marshall Islands Company

  • International Business Marshall Islands Company which can be set up within 1 or two days and documents can be delivered to you within one week.
  • The incorporation fees for a Marshall Island Company is very cheap considering the turn over time it take to form the company and deliver the documents to you.
  • If you need the set up to be fast along with complete confidentiality with nominee services then Marshall Islands Company would be highly suggested.
  • With no taxes and no audit account or annual return requirement the annual maintenance fee is low.
  • The minimum director and shareholder is one thereby meaning that if opting for nominees you only need to pay the costs for one person.
  • The name checking service can be done within a matter of hours.
  • The required documents are very minimal, we will require a copy of your passport and a recent utility bill to completely set up the company so it is absolutely hassle free and no extra documents will be required.
  • You can set up a offshore bank account for you Marshall Island company in any jurisdiction.
Few Interesting Facts About Marshall Islands Company

Marshall Islands is extremely popular in the collection of Micronesia countries. Located midway Hawaii and Indonesia, the place is known for its beautiful beaches, wonderful marine life and stunning scenery. With just a population that crosses 60000+; Marshall Islands is a wonderful destination for offshore companies. It is extremely famous amongst ambitious entrepreneurs, who wish to kick start lucrative businesses.

The Stable Politics and Laws

When it comes to politics and laws, Marshall Islands is predominantly stable. It is being administered by many standard policies and mandate standards that make Marshall Islands a great destination for businesses. May it be its parliamentary system or a legal entity, Marshall Islands is upright and truly well-framed. To be more precise, the island’s infrastructure and regulations are predominantly sophisticated than any other offshore destination.

The Thin Line

Though the corporate laws of Marshall Islands Business Company are framed after US; they have borrowed plenty of terms and conditions from the British law. For instance, you are allowed to adopt a corporate secretary and a managing director if required. Instead of a customary secretary, president and treasurer (US styled), you can choose a managing director and a corporate secretary too.

After all, the corporation secretary is where all essential records are stored safely. To make things extremely easy, you are not expected to acknowledge corporate documents by a consular official.

Four Important Piece of Information

By default, Marshall Islands has a single franchise with a specific company to incorporate all essential formalities during the licensing of non-resident organisations. Once the company’s name is approved it would be incorporated with the help of the Articles of Incorporation standards. All Articles of Incorporation depend on the following information:

1)      The total number of authorised states.

2)      The corporate name.

3)      A statement to declare if the shares have par value or not.

4)      A statement to declare if the shares are supposed to be showcased in registered or bearer form.

The Limitations

If you are ought to kick start a Marshall Islands Company, here are few businesses you should not undertake: gaming, insurance, reinsurance or trust services. These businesses cannot be traded within the country. If you wish to host a business with these labels, it must be legally approve and documented. Before the company is established, details about the corporate structure and board of directors must be finalised too.

For more information on Marshall Islands Companies please see here

If you are looking for such service we would be happy to assist you and will do our best to satisfy your needs. BRIS GROUP will be happy to provide you with information, quotation and services.


If you wish to register a Marshall Islands Company our team will be happy to help you there and provide you with more detailed information, you can contact us at [email protected]

Marshall Islands company formation, Marshall Islands, offshore company

Marshall Islands Company

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