Offshore company in Jersey

offshore jersey

Offshore company in Jersey

Jersey is one of the most prestigious international offshore financial center. One of the features that particularly attract investors is the fact that the island has no exchange controls and any financial constraints.

Jersey official language is English, although French is also very popular, and the legal system is based on a combination of French and English law. The island has signed agreements on avoidance of double taxation, which also represent the information exchange agreement with the UK and Guernsey. All companies in Jersey are established in accordance with the Jersey Law on Companies 1991.

Tax and Trading of Offshore company in Jersey

Jersey companies can be registered as offshore companies. An offshore company in Jersey is a company that is established but does not belong to the residents of the Island of Jersey. An offshore company in Jersey cannot conduct any business in the island or with residents of Jersey.

These companies can be created as trading companies and can do business anywhere in the world. An offshore company in Jersey does not pay any income taxes while the local companies pay local taxes of 10%.

For the reasons of tax exemptions in international tax planning an offshore company in Jersey is recorded in the form of an international business company. One of the main requirements for this type of companies is a ban on doing business with residents of Jersey. International Business Company – is the legal form of an offshore company, existing in Jersey since 1 January 1993.

Such company pays tax on the income from their activities outside the island at a lower rate than that set for conventional onshore companies, i.e. is organisations belonging to residents of the island. An offshore company in Jersey must have at least one director, a secretary who may be a natural or a legal person, the two shareholders, as well as the legal address.


If you are going to register an Offshore Company in Jersey our team will be happy to help you there and provide you with more detailed information, you can contact us at [email protected]

Jersey company formation, Jersey Offshore Company

Offshore company in Jersey

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