Seychelles Offshore Company

Seychelles offshore

Seychelles Offshore Company Registration (IBC)

The Seychelles is an island nation that was initially discovered by the French in 1609. The capital is Victorian and the islands lie off the eastern coast of Africa just North by northeast of Madagascar.

In the early 19th century the British eventually took control of this small island nation and today they are an independent state and Sovereign Democracy. They are also viewed as a stable jurisdiction with an exceptionally good reputation.

The government of the Seychelles is a Republic and the law of the land is common law. Setting up an IBC there is fairly straight forward, although there are some minor mandatory requirements, such as the company’s corporate document language is required to be in English, French, Seychelles or Creole. Although some adjustments may be required to institute a Seychelles Offshore Company the requirements to successfully file are relatively minor. These filing requirements can all be seen in the document titled Seychelles Company Requirements.

Any and all questions about a new IBC’s paperwork are handled by the Seychelles Offshore Company‘s governing authority, the Seychelles International Business Authority (SIBA). The Seychelles Financial Services Authority is the nation’s regulator for non-bank financial services in the Seychelles. The SIBA was established under the Financial Services Authority Act of 2013 the SIBA is solely responsible for the licensing, supervision and development of all non-bank financial services industries in the Seychelles.

The Seychelles International Business Authority is also responsible for the registration of International Business Companies, Foundations, Limited Partnerships and International Trusts.

One of the biggest demands for many if not most off shore companies is privacy. This is generally wanted by not only the people that formed the IBC but also by any shareholders the company might have. And this island nation has your privacy concerns covered.

When you set up your Seychelles Offshore Company there are no publicly accessible records required or demanded by either the government or the Seychelles International Business Authority which is its governing body.

In addition there are no taxes on Seychelles IBC‘s, no treaty access, no accounting or reporting requirements, No annual return or reporting requirements and No audit requirements.


If you wish to register a Seychelles Offshore Company  our team will be happy to help you there and provide you with more detailed information, you can contact us at [email protected]

seychelles cflag

Seychelles Offshore Company

Related page: Seychelles Company Formation