Offshore Nevis LLC and Offshore Nevis Trusts

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Offshore Nevis

Today we would like to introduce you to a unique jurisdiction, located in the sunny Caribbean region, that offers every entrepreneur and high net worth individuals the most reliable legislation for protection of their assets.

The Island of Nevis, a part of the Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis, has been an offshore jurisdiction for the past 30 years. In 1983 the island has got rid of the British colony status to become an independent state. Today Nevis has its own executive power and parliament that works alongside the federal government.

Nevis offers high-level legislation protection to international LLC and trusts. That allows not only to protect assets, but also to minimise the tax burden of entrepreneurs and their businesses internationally.

Offshore Nevis agreement with IRS

Today Nevis is gaining momentum as an international financial sector. Only recently Nevis has signed an agreement with IRS regarding the application of FATCA law on the taxation of bills of American citizens worldwide. Once the law comes into force, citizens and residents of the U.S. who have bank accounts in Nevis, will not fall under the tax claim in the amount of 30% of all outgoing and incoming payments from the U.S. to Nevis and back. Moreover, the signed agreement enables banks and Nevis service representatives to work with clients from the United States without the fear of violating U.S. law.

Offshore Nevis LLC

To all the above, in 2014 Nevis has in plans to create a mode consisting of “series of LLC”. This kind of “series of LLC” will be a great way to possess the property or investment accounts, which will protect against baseless litigation. A “series of LLC” will enable companies to divide their assets in the “elements” and “series”, without having to spend money on establishments of additional companies. Any legal action against a single element can be satisfied by another asset.

Offshore Nevis Trusts

An excellent option for the ideal property planning is offshore Nevis trusts. Trusts can achieve not only amazing asset protection, but also allow you to create “trusts of generations” that will exist for generations, and probably forever. This is possible due to the fact that Nevis has cancelled the so-called “rule against eternity” that exists in most U.S. states and in many countries around the world, which strictly limits the duration of a trust.

These are just few of all of the opportunities offered by offshore Nevis.


If you wish to register an Offshore Nevis company our team will be happy to help you there and provide you with more detailed information, you can contact us at [email protected]

Nevis flag

Offshore Nevis 

Related page: Nevis Company Formation