Hong Kong and Mexico have signed a memorandum

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A memorandum of understanding on intellectual property co-operation

Hong Kong and Mexico have signed a memorandum of understanding on intellectual property co-operation.

Director of Intellectual Property Ada Leung signed the deal today with the visiting Director General of the Mexican Institute of Industrial Property Miguel Angel Margain.

Permanent Secretary for Commerce & Economic Development (Commerce, Industry & Tourism) Philip Yung witnessed the signing along with Mexican Consul-General Alicia Buenrostro Massieu.

Mr Yung said Hong Kong is a premier regional trading hub, and like Mexico, embraces the value of protecting, promoting and commercialising intellectual property rights in driving innovation and economic growth.

The deal includes exchange of information, best practices and experience, training of personnel, and joint organisation of seminars and conferences.

Details About the Hong Kong and Mexico Memorandum

The memorandum between Mexico and Hong Kong has turned many heads. It is considered as one of the most happening and impressive memorandums ever signed. By definition, the memorandum is all about the bilateral strategic partnership regulations that can be used to protect your intellectual property rights alias IPR. If you are an ambitious business owner, the IPR will help you establish a clean and straightforward organisation without much worries or concerns. The intellectual property rights are critical for both Mexico and Hong Kong. This is a declarative statement made by Miguel Angel Margain, the Director and General of the Mexican Institute of Industrial Property.

A Strong Relationship

According to reliable sources, the memorandum between Mexico and Hong Kong can serve as a fundamental tool to promote the bond between Hong Kong and Mexico. The signed memorandum is capable of protecting, promoting and safe guarding the trade of both intangible products and the business-oriented bond between them. After all, what would be better than a carefully framed business relationship between two nations? This represents both profits and happy relationships!

The Legal Note

However, the memorandum has few complications too! Issued by Mexico’s Secretariat of the Economy, many negotiations are yet to be made in 2016. These changes and compromises would improve trade between Mexico and Hong Kong!

World’s Finest Economy

Being the second largest foreign investor in the world, Hong Kong believes its economy would reach a whole new level with this memorandum. After all, Mexico has the world’s 15th best economy! As these two lucrative and promising markets merge together, potential business owners can make a successful venture in their trade. Additionally, Hong Kong is identified as Mexico’s tenth biggest business partner in the continent (Asia). Meanwhile, Mexico is officially identified as Hong Kong’s 3rd largest business partner from Latin America. These are few interesting facts that make the memorandum a lot more fascinating.

Starting a Trade!

Another impressive benefit of the Mexico and Hong Kong memorandum would be its strategic locality. The destinations are popular for its international connectivity and financial benefits. These countries serve as premier gateway for both and in- and out- business. Well, one should understand that Hong Kong is a nation loaded with opportunities for people who wish to step into the world of eCommerce and trade. Through is memorandum, Mexican startups can use Hong Kong’s facilities amazingly


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